Tooth Pain: Why Do I Have a Toothache?

//Tooth Pain: Why Do I Have a Toothache?

Tooth Pain: Why Do I Have a Toothache?

Tooth Pain: Why Do I Have a Toothache?

Tooth Pain | Toothaches are painful and uncomfortable. Some patients experience toothaches and ignore them. However, a toothache should be addressed right away. Toothaches are usually a sign of an underlying dental disease that should be treated as soon as possible. Below are 5 reasons you may be suffering from tooth pain. Learn more and contact us today.

tooth pain | tooth ache

Tooth Decay

Plaque is a sticky bacterial film that uses sugar and starch to produce acids. These acids destroy the enamel which causes tooth decay. As the decay continues to spread, patients may notice tooth sensitivity. Once tooth decay progresses into the dentin, it is irreversible. Usually by the time there is sensitivity, patients will need a dental restorative procedure to remove the progression of decay and save the tooth. If the decay goes untreated for months, the bacterial infection may infiltrate the inner layer of the tooth, the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains the nerve endings responsible for that feeling of discomfort. Once the dental pulp is infected with bacteria, a root canal treatment may be necessary. If the tooth is unsalvageable, replacing it will be necessary to restore your smile and maintain your oral health.

Tooth Infection

Tooth infections occur when bacteria enters the tooth due to decay or a crack. Patients may notice gum tenderness or pain along with the toothache. The discomfort usually intensifies and tooth loss is likely if left untreated. Fortunately, tooth infections are treatable with a root canal procedure. This involves the removal of the bacteria and infected tooth pulp. In addition, a dental crown is often used to protect the tooth afterwards.

Tooth Sensitivity

Ouch! Does it hurt to drink hot or cold beverages? This toothache is common and could be the result of decay. The key is how long does the discomfort linger for? If the sensitivity only lasts briefly as long as the liquid is there, you may have developed tooth root sensitivity that may be manageable with over the counter toothpaste for sensitivity. Look for toothpastes with the ingredient Potassium Nitrate – the brand doesn’t matter. Just buy what’s on sale! However, if the tooth sensitivity lingers for 15 seconds or longer after the removal of cold or hot drink, come see us right away – you may have a tooth infection.

Damaged or Impacted Tooth

Damaged and impacted teeth can cause discomfort as well. A damaged tooth could have cracked in a manner that allows bacteria to enter. As a result, damaged teeth need to be addressed right away to avoid infection. In addition, impacted teeth are known to cause pain. Wisdom teeth are most common to become impacted. Many times there is insufficient room for wisdom teeth to erupt (in the lower jaw especially) and they become impacted at an angle. If left this way, they will often form a “gum pocket” over them that will tend to accumulate debris and tend to get inflamed or infected. Early diagnosis is key. When a panoramic X-ray is taken at 16 years of age we can usually predict if the wisdom tooth is going to become impacted. At this age it is much easier and less traumatic to remove the wisdom teeth because the roots of the wisdom teeth haven’t fully formed yet. Come see us if you’re having an issue with a damaged or impacted tooth.

Gum Disease

In brief, gum disease is an inflammation of the gums. We now know there is a significant link between gum disease and cardiac health. Studies have shown the bacteria found in gum disease can end up on heart tissues. Similarly, like any other disease process the prognosis is best if caught early and treated early. For this reason, we perform gum exams for our patients every 6 months. Signs and symptoms of gum disease can include bleeding gums, soreness and tenderness. Come see us if you think you’re having gum inflammation.

Contact Us

Tooth Pain | My McLean Dentist offers various dental treatments to care for your individual needs. Thus, we encourage patients to contact us with any dental concern. If you’re having an emergency we will make sure to see you right away. Please speak with our team today. Call (703) 356-4822 or book an appointment online.

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